Validator Only Contract


Lity supports Validator Only Contracts after lity v1.2.2.

Lity supports Validator Only Contracts after v1.2.2. By providing the built-in function called isValidator and special opcode OpIsValidator, Lity can check whether an address is a validator of CyberMiles blockchain. With this feature, smart contract developers can create trusted smart contracts that can only be modified by the validators.

A common use case is to serve as oracles to provide trusted states.

isValidator Grammar

isValidator(<address>) returns (bool returnValue);

// isValidator is a built-in function provided by Lity.
// isValidator only takes one parameter, an address, to check whether this address is a validtor.
// If the address is a validator => return true
// Otherwise => return false



Here we use BTCRelay contract as an example to show how validator only contract works. BTCRelay is a contract that store BTC headers and verify BTC transactions.

Download and compile it using lityc (version >= 1.2.2):

$ wget
$ lityc --abi --bin -o output BTCRelay.sol

and then we could deploy it to Travis chain:

$ travis attach http://localhost:8545

// Prepare accounts

> validatorAccount = web3.cmt.accounts[0]
> normalAccount = personal.newAccount('test')
> personal.unlockAccount(validatorAccount, '1234', 86400)
> personal.unlockAccount(normalAccount, 'test', 86400)
> cmt.sendTransaction({from: validatorAccount, to: normalAccount, value: 100000000000000000})

// Deploy contract

> abi = <...>
> bytecode = <...>
> contract = web3.cmt.contract(abi);
> btcrelay =
    from: web3.cmt.accounts[0],
    data: bytecode,
    gas: "4700000"
  function(e, contract) {
    if (typeof contract.address !== 'undefined') {
      console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);

// Contract mined! address: 0x05ea0f73204ea39d7231706a49c174a20380cfec transactionHash: 0x1acbd651d91f1edd3520da59dfda077c9f2ca3bbd9aa09bbc3304ec76a8b41ef

Now we try to call storeHeader function using both validatorAccount and normalAccount

> height = 125552
> header = '0x0x0100000081cd02ab7e569e8bcd9317e2fe99f2de44d49ab2b8851ba4a308000000000000e320b6c2fffc8d750423db8b1eb942ae710e951ed797f7affc8892b0f1fc122bc7f5d74df2b9441a42a14695'

// Send transaction with validator account

> tx = btcrelay.storeHeader.sendTransaction(header, height, {from: validatorAccount, gas: "300000"})
> cmt.getTransactionReceipt(tx)
  blockHash: "0x91186a59e8fb19c1db440ab0697266fb3407a10844342278a55e1dcf0eb501e1",
  blockNumber: 72145,
  contractAddress: null,
  cumulativeGasUsed: 140024,
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  gasUsed: 140024,
  logs: [{
      address: "0x05ea0f73204ea39d7231706a49c174a20380cfec",
      blockHash: "0x91186a59e8fb19c1db440ab0697266fb3407a10844342278a55e1dcf0eb501e1",
      blockNumber: 72145,
      data: "0x00000000000000001e8d6829a8a21adc5d38d0a473b144b6765798e61f98bd1d",
      logIndex: 0,
      removed: false,
      topics: ["0xf82c50f1848136e6c140b186ea0c768b7deda5efffe42c25e96336a90b26c744"],
      transactionHash: "0xe5d83d5ca82a00b6311ec9b8c0bab4df3f7a62971231791182686ba8f594b7eb",
      transactionIndex: 0
  logsBloom: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000800000
  status: "0x1",
  to: "0x05ea0f73204ea39d7231706a49c174a20380cfec",
  transactionHash: "0xe5d83d5ca82a00b6311ec9b8c0bab4df3f7a62971231791182686ba8f594b7eb",
  transactionIndex: 0

// Send transaction with normal account

> tx = btcrelay.storeHeader.sendTransaction(header, height, {from: normalAccount, gas: "300000"})
> cmt.getTransactionReceipt(tx)
  blockHash: "0x611671eff48e414706daa66f1fcc404428832dd79c2b6a9481a28f46ef93a430",
  blockNumber: 72173,
  contractAddress: null,
  cumulativeGasUsed: 27466,
  from: "0x34bb135d77771038a2fda3aa7cd5dc3fb4cc6abd",
  gasUsed: 27466,
  logs: [],
  logsBloom: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  status: "0x0",
  to: "0x05ea0f73204ea39d7231706a49c174a20380cfec",
  transactionHash: "0xed05e610feae32bd51931b9d0068104dc60a9595590d17b73e1916c2288b0cf9",
  transactionIndex: 0

We could see when sending transaction using validatorAccount, the transactions triggered storeHeader function successfully and emit log. Log data 0x00000000000000001e8d6829a8a21adc5d38d0a473b144b6765798e61f98bd1d is returned hash of block header. When sending transaction using normalAccount, it could not pass validatorOnly() check and failed.

If you want to interact with BTCRelay contract, you could check our fetchd as an example to fetch and store BTC headers.