Rule Engine Guide


In industry, people often use business rule engine to maintain their business logic and knowledge. Rule engine can detect specific conditions and contradiction and execute predefined rules to fix them. Some examples of rule engines are Jess and Drools.

Despite the wide adoption, it is hard to run the rule engine in a publicly verifiable way (which means to run it on Blockchain). To eliminate the gap between traditional business rule engine and Blockchain technology, we decide to implement part of traditional rule engine features (to make it part of Lity). Rule engine related codes are directly compiled into EVM byte codes, so it can also be executed on Ethereum public chain.

Our rule engine’s syntax and semantics are directly borrowed from Drools, so it might be a good idea to look through Drools documentation before you use Lity’s rule engine. Specifically, chapter Rule Engines and Production Rule Systems (PRS) introduces the basic concept.

Rule Engine Overview

Facts and Working Memory

Facts are data that shall be matched and modified by the rule engine. In Lity, a fact must be a struct stored in storage.

Working memory is a container that stores facts hides behind a contract. To insert/remove facts to/from working memory, we can use factInsert and factDelete operators.


A rule defines that when certain conditions occur, then certain actions should be executed.

In Lity, rules are written in the contract and the syntax is very similar with Drools’s.

A rule statement consists of four parts:

  1. Rule Name: a string literal which served as the identifier of rule.
  2. Rule attributes: optional hints that describe activation behavior of this rule.
  3. Filter Statements (a.k.a. when block): one or more conditional statements describe which set of facts should be captured.
  4. Action Statements (a.k.a. then block): one or more statements to execute on matched objects (which are captured in when block.)

A contract with a rule definition looks like this:

contract C {
    rule "ruleName"
    // Rule attributes
    when {
        // Filter Statements
    } then {
        // Action Statements

Rule Attributes


default: 0

type: integer literal

Salience specifies the priority of rules in the Activation queue. Higher salience indicates higher priority. Activation order of rules with the same salience would be arbitrary.

In contrast to Drools, Lity does not support dynamic salience.

Due to Solidity parser issue, current salience value cannot be negative, but this shall be resolved in the future.


default: false

type: bool literal

no_loop forbids a rule to activate itself with the same set of facts. This is for the purpose of preventing infinite loop.


default: false

type: bool literal

lock_on_active forbids a rule to be activated more than once with the same set of facts. This is stronger than no_loop because it also prevent the reactivation of the rule even if it is caused by other rule’s then-part.

Filter Statements(when)

When part is composed of patterns (which are explained later). When part specifies conditions which set of facts should be activated. If all pattern conditions are met, then part shall be executed for this set of facts.


A pattern describe a fact (struct) with a set of conditions. It start with pattern binding, which specifies fact identifier referred in this rule scope. After binding, pattern type specifies the type (struct name) of the fact. Then, a set of constraints is describe conditions of this fact. Constraints must be boolean expressions. See the example below or refer rule grammar for details.

p: Person(age >= 65, eligible == true);

Above pattern describe that a fact p with Person type, and its constraints are its age must be greater or equal to 65 and its eligible must be true.

Action Statements(then)

Then part is composed of normal statements. However, there is a special operator, update (explained later), which might be useful in this part.

Due to Solidity compiler issue, variable declaration statement is not supported yet in then block. But this shall be resolved in the future.

The update operator

update object will inform the rule engine that this object may be modified and rules may need to be reevaluated. In current implementation, all rules and facts are reevaluated even for the objects that was not updated. So conditions should be taken care when update is used in any rule.

A simple Example

Let’s start with a simple example to explain how a rule works. This example pays Ether to old people.

rule "payPension" when {
  p: Person(age >= 65, eligible == true);
  b: Budget(amount >= 10);
} then {
  p.eligible = false;
  b.amount -= 10;

Above is a rule which pays money to old people if the budget is still enough. payPension is the identifier of the rule. There are two patterns in this rule: p and b . Person(age >= 65, eligible == true) describes a person who is at least 65 years old and is eligible for receiving the pension. The p: syntax means to bind the qualified person to identifier p, so we can refer the person in then-block. b: Budget(amount >= 10) describes the budget must have enough amount. (10 in this case)

If the rule engine found a person and a budget satisfies above requirements, the then part will be executed. In then part, we modify eligibility of the person to prevent this rule being applied for the same person again. In addition, pension is sent to the person from the budget.

For full source code of this example, refer the section Rule Examples.

Rule Inheritance

Rules can also be inherited with attributes. This only applies for when part and only supports single inheritance. Refer to section Rule Examples for details.

Rule Examples

This section illustrates more use cases for Lity rule engine.

Pay Pension

This example has already been described in section Rules. The complete contract is below.

contract AgePension {
    struct Person {
        int age;
        bool eligible;
        address addr;

    struct Budget {
        int amount;

    mapping (address => uint256) addr2idx;
    Person[] ps;
    Budget budget;

    constructor () public {
        factInsert budget;
        budget.amount = 100;

    function addPerson(int age) public {
        ps.push(Person(age, true, msg.sender));
        addr2idx[msg.sender] = factInsert ps[ps.length-1];

    function deletePerson() public {
        factDelete addr2idx[msg.sender];

    function pay() public {

    function () public payable { }

    rule "payPension" when {
        p: Person(age >= 65, eligible == true);
        b: Budget(amount >= 10);
    } then {
        p.eligible = false;
        b.amount -= 10;

A user must use factInsert add himself (an instance of Person) in order to make the rule engine aware of this data. (written in function addPerson) The operator factInsert returns an uint256. This is where the fact resides in the storage, and this address is recorded in mapping addr2idx. The user will be able to remove himself from the engine by factDelete with the fact storage address. (written in function deletePerson)

The rule payPension describes that gives everyone more than age 65. (already explained in section Rules)

The age pension is paid when fireAllRules is executed. (written in function pay) fireAllRules triggers the rules to find matched rules and apply then part for the corresponding facts.

Fibonacci numbers

Here we demonstrate how to use rule engine to calculate fibonacci numbers.

First, we define a struct to represent a fibonacci number:

struct E {
    int256 index;
    int256 value;

The struct has two members. index records the index of this fibonacci number, and value records the value of the fibonacci number. If the value is unknown, we set it to -1.

We can now define a rule representing fibonacci number’s recurrence relation: \(f_n = f_{n-1} + f_{n-2}\).

rule "buildFibonacci" when {
    x1: E(value != -1, i1: index);
    x2: E(value != -1, index == i1+1, i2: index);
    x3: E(value == -1, index == i2+1);
} then {
    x3.value = x1.value+x2.value;
    update x3;

Note that the update x3; inside rule’s RHS is essential; the update statement informs the rule engine that the value of x3 has been updated, and all future rule match should not depend on the old value of it.

Let’s insert initial terms and unknown fibonacci numbers into working memory

// es is a storage array storing `E`
es.push(E(0, 0));
factInsert es[es.length - 1];
es.push(E(1, 1));
factInsert es[es.length - 1];
for (int i = 2 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
    es.push(E(i, -1));
    factInsert es[es.length - 1];

Working memory now contains \(f_0\), \(f_1\), … , \(f_{10}\). And only \(f_0\) and \(f_1\)’s value are known. We can now use fireAllRules statement to start the rule engine, and all fibonacci numbers should be calculated accordingly.

Complete source of the contract:

contract C {
    struct E {
        int256 index;
        int256 value;

    rule "buildFibonacci" when {
        x1: E(value != -1);
        x2: E(value != -1, index == x1.index+1);
        x3: E(value == -1, index == x2.index+1);
    } then {
        x3.value = x1.value+x2.value;
        update x3;

    E[] es;

    constructor() public {
        es.push(E(0, 0));
        factInsert es[es.length - 1];
        es.push(E(1, 1));
        factInsert es[es.length - 1];
        for (int i = 2 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
            es.push(E(i, -1));
            factInsert es[es.length - 1];

    function calc() public returns (bool) {
        return true;

    function get(uint256 x) public view returns (int256) {
        return es[x].value;

    function () public payable { }

Examples of salience

If you want some rules to be processed before other rules (i.e higher priority), salience keyword can be used. The bigger the number specified, the higher the priority it have.

rule "test1" salience 20 when {
  p: Person(val >= 10);
} then {
  update p;

rule "test2" salience 30 when {
  p: Person(val >= 20);
} then {
  update p;

In the above example, the second rule will have higher priority.

Examples of no_Loop and lock_on_active

Sometimes you may want to update a fact but the activation of the same rule by the same set of fact is not desired.

rule "test" when {
  p: Person(age >= 20);
} then {
  update p;

If you tried to fireAllRules, the above rule may keep firing (until p.age overflows). To make it fire only once for each fireAllRules, we can use no_loop keyword.

rule "test" no_loop true when {
  p: Person(age >= 20);
} then {
  update p;

Example of rule inheritance

Sometimes constraints of a rule is based on constraints of another rule. In this case, this rule can extends another rule.

For example, a department store wants to give elder customers 10 percent discount and their car’s free parking. The discount rule is described as below.

rule "Give 10% discount to customers older than 60"
when {
    customer : Customer( age > 60 );
} then { = 10;

The free parking rule can extends the constraint of elder customers (older than 60). Then this rule can be written as below.

rule "Give free parking to customers older than 60"
    extends "Give 10% discount to customers older than 60"
when {
    car : Car ( ownerID == );
} then {
    car.freeParking = true ;

The rule above (with extends) is equivalent to the rule written without extends.

rule "Give free parking to customers older than 60"
when {
    customer : Customer( age > 60 );
    car : Car ( ownerID == );
} then {
    car.freeParking = true ;

Insurance rating

Insurance claim

Consider a travel insurance that provides claim for fight delay. See the table below.

Delay hours Compensation
4 or more 5000
6 or more 5000 or accountable expense no more than 15000

The first rule (4 hours or more) is represented as below.

rule "four hour fix amount" when{
    p: Person()
    f: Flight(delay >= 4, id == p.flightID)
} then {
    p.claimAmount = max(5000, p.claimAmount);

For the second rule (6 hours or more), 5000 dollar compensation is implied in the first rule, so we only need to consider the limited expense here.

rule "six hour limited amount" when{
    p: Person()
    f: Flight(delay >= 6, id == p.flightID)
} then {
    p.claimAmount = max(min(p.delayExpense, 15000), p.claimAmount);


In the simplest way, cashier sum up all item prices for the amount. Consider restaurants for example, a hamburger costs 50 dollars and a drink costs 30 dollars, and these sum up to 80 dollars. This summation rule could be simply represented as below.

rule "Burger"
salience 10
    b: Burger();
    bl: Bill();
} then {
    bl.amount += 50;

rule "Drink"
salience 10
    d: Drink();
    bl: Bill();
} then {
    bl.amount += 30;

However, many restaurants offer meal combo discount. For example, a drink with a hamburger is discounted for 10 dollars. With rule engine, this discount rule can be automatically applied as below.

rule "Combo" when{
    b: Burger(combo==-1);
    d: Drink(combo==-1);
    bl: Bill();
} then {
    b.combo = bl.nCombo;
    d.combo = bl.nCombo;
    bl.amount -= 10;
    update b;
    update d;

nCombo of the bill is the number of combos, and combo of a burger/drink denotes the combo number (-1 denotes no combo) that burger/drink belongs to. Each burger or drink belongs to at most one combo to prevent duplicated discounts.

Credit card cash back

Many credit cards offer conditional cash back. For this example, cash back rates is determined by the total bill amount (of that month). See the rate table below.

Amount Cash back rate
<5000 0.5%
5000~9999 1.0%
>9999 1.5%

This cash back rule can be represeted as below.

rule "poor cash back rate" when{
    b: Bill(amount < 5000);
} then {
    b.cashBack = b.amount * 5 / 1000;

rule "sad cash back rate" when{
    b: Bill(amount>=5000, amount < 10000);
} then {
    b.cashBack = b.amount * 10 / 1000;

rule "acceptable cash back rate" when{
    b: Bill(amount>=10000);
} then {
    b.cashBack = b.amount * 15 / 1000;

Tax calculation

In this example, we illustrate how to calculate tax by rule engine. In most countries, tax rates are divides into brackets. That is, certain income range is taxed for corresponding rates. Often, more income indicates higher tax rates.

Take this region for example (For simplicity, we ignore deductions and exemptions for real tax rules. Thus, actual tax rates would be lower.), the corresponding rate table is below.

Net income Tax rate
0 ~ 540,000 5%
540,000 ~ 1,210,000 12%
1,210,001 ~ 2,420,000 20%
2,420,001 ~ 4,530,000 30%
4,530,001 ~ ∞ 40%

For the first tax bracket, net income from 0 to 540000 is taxed for 5%. This is represented as below.

rule "first bracket" when{
    p: Person(salary > 0)
} then { += min(540000, p.salary) * 5 / 100;

Similarly, net income from 540001 to 1210000 is taxed for 12% in the second tax bracket. Note that income 540000 has already been taxed in the first tax bracket, so the amount taxed here should minus 540000.

rule "second bracket" when{
    p: Person(salary > 540000)
} then { += (min(1210000, p.salary) - 540000) * 12 / 100;

In the same way, rest brackets are represented as below.

rule "third bracket" when{
    p: Person(salary > 1210000)
} then { += (min(2420000, p.salary) - 1210000) * 20 / 100;

rule "fourth bracket" when{
    p: Person(salary > 2420000)
} then { += (min(4530000, p.salary) - 2420000) * 30 / 100;

rule "fifth bracket" when{
    p: Person(salary > 4530000)
} then { += (p.salary - 4530000) * 40 / 100;


A cat is walking on a number line. Initially it is so hungry that it can’t even move. Fortunately, there are some cat foods scattered on the number line. And each cat food can provide some energy to the cat. Whenever the cat’s location equal to cat food’s location, the cat will immediately eat all the cat foods on that location and gain energy to move forward.

First, we define our fact types:

struct Cat {
    uint256 id;
    uint256 energy;
struct CatLocation {
    uint256 id;
    uint256 value;
struct Food {
    uint256 location;
    uint256 energy;
    bool eaten;

Here we model the problem in a way similar to entity-relationship model. Cat and CatLocation has an one-to-one relationship. Food represents a cat food on the number line, location represents its location, energy represents how much energy it can provide to Cat. Each unit of energy provides power for the cat to move one unit forward.

Now we can define 2 rules to solve the problem.

rule "catEatFood" salience 10
when {
    c1: Cat();
    cl1: CatLocation(id ==;
    f1: Food(location == cl1.value, !eaten);
} then { +=;
    update c1;
    f1.eaten = true;
    update f1;

In the above rule, we first match Cat and CatLocation using id, then match all not yet eaten food that have the same location. If we successfully found a cat whose location equal to the food’s location, we let the cat eat the food and tell rule engine that c1 and f1’s value have been modified, so that no food will be eaten twice, for example.

The second rule:

rule "catMoves" salience 0
when {
    c1: Cat(energy > 0);
    cl1: CatLocation(id ==;
} then {;
    update c1;
    update cl1;

This rule states that if the cat have positive energy, it can move one unit forward.

salience is set so that the cat eat the food whenever its location overlaps with food’s location.

Complete source code of the contract:

contract C {
    struct Cat {
        uint256 id;
        uint256 energy;
    struct CatLocation {
        uint256 id;
        uint256 value;
    struct Food {
        uint256 location;
        uint256 energy;
        bool eaten;

    // Note that rules appear first have higher priority,
    // so cats won't go through a food without eating it.
    rule "catEatFood" salience 10
    when {
        c1: Cat();
        cl1: CatLocation(id ==;
        f1: Food(location == cl1.value, !eaten);
    } then { +=;
        update c1;
        f1.eaten = true;
        update f1;

    rule "catMoves" salience 0
    when {
        c1: Cat(energy > 0);
        cl1: CatLocation(id ==;
    } then {;
        update c1;
        update cl1;

    Cat[] cats;
    CatLocation[] catLocations;
    uint256[] factIDs;
    Food[] foods;

    function addCat(uint256 initialLocation) public returns (bool) {
        uint256 newId = cats.length;
        cats.push(Cat(newId, 0));
        catLocations.push(CatLocation(newId, initialLocation));
        factIDs.push(factInsert cats[newId]);
        factIDs.push(factInsert catLocations[newId]);
        return true;

    function addFood(uint256 location, uint256 energy) public returns (bool) {
        foods.push(Food(location, energy, false));
        factIDs.push(factInsert foods[foods.length-1]);
        return true;

    function queryCatCoord(uint256 catId) public view returns (uint256) {
        assert(catLocations[catId].id == catId);
        return catLocations[catId].value;

    function run() public returns (bool) {
        return true;

    function reset() public returns (bool) {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < factIDs.length; i++)
            factDelete factIDs[i];
        delete cats;
        delete catLocations;
        delete factIDs;
        return true;

    function () public payable { }


Rule Engine Operators

We have three operators to handle facts and working memory:

  1. factInsert: add current object as a new fact to working memory.
  2. factDelete: remove current object from the working memory.
  3. fireAllRules: apply all rules on all facts in working memory.


This operator takes a struct with storage data location, evaluates to fact handle, which has type uint256. Insert the reference to the storage struct into working memory.

For example:

contract C {
  struct fact { int x; }
  fact[] facts;
  constructor() public {
     factInsert facts[facts.length-1]; // insert the fact into working memory

And note that the following statement cannot be compiled:

factInsert fact(0);

The reason is that fact(0) is a reference with memory data location, which is not persistant thus cannot be inserted into working memory.

For more information about data location mechanism, please refer to solidity’s documentation


This operator takes a fact handle (uint256) and evaluates to void. Removes the reference of the fact from working memory.


fireAllRules is a special statement that launches lity rule engine execution, it works like drools’ ksession.fireAllRules() API.


Grammar of rule definition:

Rule = 'rule' StringLiteral RuleAttributes 'when' '{' RuleLHS '}' 'then' '{' RuleRHS '}'
RuleLHS = ( ( Identifier ':' )? FactMatchExpr ';' )*
FactMatchExpr = Identifier '(' ( FieldExpr ( ',' FieldExpr )* )? ')'
FieldExpr = Expression
RuleRHS = ( Statement | 'update' Identifier ';' )*
RuleAttributes = ( 'no_loop true' | 'lock_on_active true' ( 'salience' DecimalNumber ) )*

Note that some nonterminal symbols are defined in solidity’s grammar, including StringLiteral, Identifier, Expression, Statement, and DecimalNumber.

Rete Network Generation

  • Each FieldExpr involve more than 1 facts creates a beta node. Otherwise, it creates an alpha node.
  • Each nodes corresponding to a dynamic memory array (a data structure which supports lity rule engine runtime execution), these dynamic memory array contains matched fact sets of each node.
  • All dynamic memory arrays are reevaluated when fireAllRules is called.